Enterprise Engineering Coalition
Below you find a list of projects and organisations who form a coalition
of work and share common goals on Enterprise Engineering and Integration
as well as on networked organisations.
VE- Forum : The portal to networked and virtual organisations
The objective of VE-Forum is to provide an integrating portal for all
researchers and professionals in the domain of networked businesses and
governments in Europe and internationally. It shall give easy access to
past and future results in the domain and support communication and collaboration
as a virtual community. As such, the VE-Forum complements NoEs, IPs, and
other projects and promotes Europe’s global visibility in the field.
The VE-Forum Portal has three main components:
Access to projects, conferences and other events, and news in the domain
A knowledge pool with project results, a refereed journal, access to references
and journal abstracts, reviews, and working papers, and a who is who directory
Collaboration workspaces for discussion forums, special interest groups,
and intra- and cross-project cooperation
Further, the project will facilitate a European research advisory group
on networked businesses and governments and link it with the community
and general public for idea exchange and feedback.
A special concern of VE-Forum is to represent and integrate the different
sub-communities in the European Research Area and facilitate community
co-operation and exchange of experience and expertise.
The project is an instrument to incubate a self-sustaining community,
which shall be based on the principles of voluntary professional associations
and academic communities. The role of the consortium is to activate the
community and facilitate self-organisation. Project-progress is therefore
measured as the capability to attract members, and to marshal additional
revenues and contributions to the portal already during the EU-funded period
for smooth transition after project end.
Status: Accepted in the European 6FP, the project is in early
For more information visit
or contact Hermann Loeh, CeTIM (hermann.loeh@cetim.org
CeTIM: Centre for Technology and Innovation Management is located at
the University BW Munich, Germany and headed by Prof. B. Katzy, http://www.cetim.org
CIMOSA Association e.V.: The CIMOSA Association (COA) is a non-profit
organisation involved in promotion and in standardisation - on European,
national and international level - of Enterprise Engineering and
Integration. (http://www.cimosa.de)
Gestión e Ingenieria de Producción: The research centre
on production engineering, 'Centro de Investigación de Gestión
e Ingeniería de la Producción (CIGIP)'-headed by Prof. F.C.
Lario - is located at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, www.cigip.org
IBE Simulation Engineering: IBE develops and distributes the visual
simulator development system PACE and provides models and simulators for
commercial, logistic and technical applications , http://www.ibepace.com
LGIPM - Laboratoire de Génie Industriel: LGIPM is a research
laboratory common to ENIM (Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Metz),
ENSAM (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers) and
University of Metz.
SIMTech, the Singapure Institute of Manufacturing Technology – Product
Design and Development Group is working on automated process planning for
collaboration, concurrent integration of engineering systems, collaborative
environment for design and unified enterprise resource modelling, www.SIMTech.a-star.edu.sg/
. Find a short overview documentation at SIMTech2
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