CEN Workshop Berlin
Workshop on Evolution in Enterprise Engineering and Integration, CEN TC310/WG1 - CIMOSA Association: (Workshop report)
Objectives: Prepare for the CEN/ISO new Work Items in enterprise engineering
and integration (update of ENVs 40003 and 12204, ). Enhance specifications
of modelling frameworks, languages and supporting infrastructures
Workshop Report: The workshop started with an overview on the relevant
state of the art followed by presentations of the participants that covered
a rather broad range of subjects relevant for the workshop:
Modelling Frameworks (relating to ENV 40003): Discussing scope (P. Bernus) and purpose (G. Schmidt) of enterprise modelling the presentations went into details on formalisation of frameworks (R. Martin, E. Robertson), levels of abstractions in ARIS (M. Wittmann) and framework extensions into shop floor and equipment level (R. Heidel). Two papers with specific comments on the current ENV (D. Chen, A. Ortiz) and three papers on formal representations of modelling (G. Berio), model contents (C. Braesch) and the role of mathematics in standards (I. Kotsiopolous) completed this rather extensive coverage.
Modelling Constructs (relating to ENV 12204): A constructive critique on ENV 12204 (M. Petit) was followed two papers on XML (D. Rivers-Moore) and its use in enterprise modelling (G. Salvato).
Model Execution Support (relating to ENV 13550): Starting with a presentation on multiple agent (K. Cetnarowicz), the subject was further detailed by a paper on services for enterprise modelling (J. de Meer) and a report on OPAL, an application of a middle ware concept (F. Vernadat - presented by K. Kosanke).
Each of the three themes was further discussed in three working groups in an intermediary plenary session. Abstracts of the presentations are available from the CIMOSA Association. The papers will be published as collection of proceedings from similar workshops and an ICEIMT/IEMC type conference planned for 2002.
Working group results:
The first two of the three working groups established a base for further
work by identifying major issues and actions to resolve these. An action
plan has been developed, subsequent tasks have been identified and assigned
to people to provide input for the standardisation work. All groups identified
research work to be done for further evolution in the area of enterprise
engineering and integration. Specific work items identified:
1. Working group 1 on Frameworks:
- Revise ENV 40003 scope and terminology
- Develop Use Cases for enterprise modelling
- Define meta-formalism for modelling framework
- Populate modelling framework with mandated constructs (generic constructs,
partial models, views)
- Develop rules for framework navigation (construct instantiation,
model derivation, view generation)
- Clarify relations to existing and emerging standards
2. Working group 2 on constructs:
- Revise ENV 12204 scope (purpose of modelling) and terminology
- Identify the right language and the required level of presentation
(formal, semiformal - textual, graphical)
- Identify requirements from external bodies (e.g. ISO 9000.2000, SC4
standards, ebXML, OMG, ...)
- Validate resulting specifications
3. Working group 3 on execution support:
- Extend current set of functionalities (ENV 13550) to cover agent
based approaches
- Relate work to ODP Viewpoints (Enterprise, Information, Computational,
Technology) and OSI standards
- Enable service scalability and adaptability (quality of services)
Work will be pursued via moderated discussion forums provided on the CIMOSA web site. Martin Zelm (martin.zelm@cimosa.de) will be the contact for the forums.
Participants: The workshop was attended by 22 people representing 11 countries (Australia(1), Belgium(1), Denmark(1), France(3), Germany(7), Greece(1), Italy(2), Poland(1), Spain(2), UK (1), USA(2)).
David Shorter: Enterprise Engineering and Integration - the Standardisation
After brief references to current CEN and ISO activities, this paper
focuses on two current work items, the preparation of two ENs (and ISO
ISs) on Framework for Enterprise Integration (previously ENV 40003) and
Constructs for Enterprise Integration, (previously ENV 12204). Links are
provided to material defining the scope of the work. Shortcomings in the
current ENVs are identified, in particular the need to encompass higher-level
business concepts, to extend the implicit life cycle model of ENV 40003
upward and downwards to other life cycle stages, and to extend and formalise
modelling constructs.
The way in which the work will be carried out under the 'Vienna Agreement' is briefly described, as is the likely technical approach based on calls for input, mapping the existing ENVs onto IS 15704 and other Frameworks, and consolidation of various inputs and modelling of concepts, probably using UML augmented by business modelling stereotypes.
More detail is provided at http://www.itfocus.demon.co.uk/tc310wg1/wghome1.html which also provides a link from which the full paper can be downloaded. (IT Focus, david.itfocus@btconnect.com)
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